Capital Fringe Review: ‘Recovery’ by Flora Scott

An estimated 291,521 people in the US are living with, or are in remission from, leukemia. An estimated 48,610 new cases of leukemia are expected to be diagnosed in the US in 2013. Approximately 23,720 deaths (13,660 males and 10,060 females) in the US are expected to be attributed to leukemia in 2013. Recovery is a glimpse into the world of those diagnosed with this type of cancer.

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Recovery is written by Mark Jason Williams and directed by Michael R. Burgtorf. The story unfurls luekemia as the canvas that weaves the lives of survivors, fighters, healers and succumbers together. It showcases the impact the disease besets on the victims, loved ones, and specialists. Michael (Grant Cloyd) and Kathleen’s (Rachel Mantueffel) story of meeting and falling in love while undergoing treatment in the hospital is the central narrative and affords us a view into lives of those who have chosen to work with Leukemia. Dr. Bestar (Marcus Salley) and nurse Lucille’s (Danielle Hutchinson) relationship blossoms among the brutal fights for survival.

Bob (DC Cathro) and Amy (Anna Jackson) gave bright, heartfelt performances that brimmed with deep sorrow as a couple torn apart by her death just before their wedding. Robyn (Bethany Michel), Claire (Christine Alexander) and Tammy (Kathleen Burke) each gave moving portrayals of victims outlining their struggle in monologue form. Marc Hurst kept the lighting simple. Max Krembs gave the ambience a haunting aura with the sounds of implicit life echoing in the background.

Recovery is a somber piece. It brings into view the devastating world of Leukemia and all of it’s inhabitants. It gives you love, survival, defeat, anger and fear. It leaves you feeling grateful and guilty. It gives you the sense of the many different worlds of experience that exist out there. It expands your horizons and the resolve to fight for a cure.

Running Time: 75 minutes.

Recovery performs through July 18, 2013 at Goethe Insitut – Gallery – 812 7th Street NW, in Washington, DC. For performance information and to purchase tickets, go to their Capital Fringe page.

Two preview articles on DCMetroTheaterArts here and here.



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