Capital Fringe Review: ‘DC Trash’ by Julia L. Exline

If you are a DC/Metropolitan native, then DC Trash!, a political satire written and performed by Ron Litman, with musical accompaniment by Tom Pile, should shoot straight to the top of your “must see” list of Fringe shows.

Ron Littman. Photo by Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post)

Scenic Designer Kat Mollman shows crushed refrigerator boxes (that later hold bright surprises) and a homeless man sleeping on a mound of trash bags. Wakening, Litman mutters to himself, retches uncontrollably, and curses at passersby. Just as I begin to wonder why I’m watching onstage what I can see on the city streets for free, Litman dives into a lengthy tirade about everything from homelessness, racial tensions, stereotypes, and the hot topic of the 1%.

The focal point of his show revolves around his viewpoint as a trash-man, and his VIP seat to “the purging of our culture of consumption.” He reminisces about how DC has changed since he was a child, and what he expects for the future. His intense, maniacal grin and mile-a-minute tongue has his audience captivated from start to finish, barely recovering from a forceful reality check before being besieged by another. Blunt, intelligent, and hilarious, DC Trash! Stays with you after you leave the theatre.

DC Trash! information and showtimes.



  1. This is a prof’l actor who’s timing and script hit hard — and yes, absolutely “stay with you.” Subjects so wide-ranging and yet they flow from issue to issue: sanitation trucks that you find inconveniences on the road and what they can do to your car; knowing about people’s secret lives from their trash and clutter in homes near embassies to those in Anacostia; the sanitation employees who clean up “DC Trash” (a song you won’t forget) and their work ethics – esp from the words of one trash mentor; areas of DC long gone — of special meaning to native DC folks; racism; values and lessons learned; a mere innuendo re immigration reform; and the early life of the Jewish actor in DC who now cleans up DC (may help to know some Yiddish but ask the person sitting next to you, as he suggests — remember, Fringe plays are short and the play’s productions must be struck fast to prepare for the next act) — highly recommend to the hilt IF tix still available. An extra show added on Sunday at 3 or so in the Balducci Tent – will go fast if not already sold out.

  2. Some corrections to the above. Incredibly, this show still has availability but NOT for long. This Sat nite — check Fringe schedule — I think 11 pm — and Sunday, July 29 at 3:30 PM at Fort Fringe – Baldacchino Gypsy Tent, 607 New York Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20001. I’m debating bringing my elderly Jewish mom — it’s THAT perceptive and bright — tho kindly, the actor warned it’ll be “hot” in that tent. This should be required viewing by members of the National Assn of Professional Organizers ( and Ron doesn’t catigate hoarders which I found refreshing and sympathetic. Also, music terrific and don’t want to include spoilers — but terrific set. In a word: GO!

  3. No surprise: Sat nite show sold out. Still tix on Sun at 3:30. Note — not A/C’d at the venue but it’ll be even hotter for Ron Littman under those lights! So drink water before and after but make this show! Btw, I’m unaffiliated with this show and Mr. Littman but just highly recommend.

    PS. Ooops, in my first comment — that’s “whose” and not “who’s”. I was in a hurry to post and get the word out! ;)


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