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Lauren and Scott Selman

Lauren and Scott Selman
Lauren Selman grew up in Maryland and was immediately drawn to performing and theatre at a very early age. Her first professional acting gig was at 4 months for a Honda commercial where she, miraculously, cried on cue. Since then, she has performed locally, in high school, and in college at Penn State University. She currently works as a public relations director and event coordinator in the DC Metro area and extends her theatrical interests to the documentary world, working on the AFI DOCS Documentary Festival every year. She lives with her husband Scott and puppy and tries to attend as many local, regional, and national performances as she can. Scott Selman is the Digital and Social Media Coordinator at AFI Docs, Executive Producer at Cue93 Studios, and CEO & Founder at CYM Media & Entertainment. http://www.cymmedia.com/about.htm