Children's Theater

News: Mount Vernon Community Children’s Theatre Stages its 100th Production ‘Grease:...

Thirty-seven years and more than 550 performances stand between Mount Vernon Community Children’s Theatre’s (MVCCT) first foray onto the stage with Winnie the Pooh...

Review: ‘Into the Woods, Jr.’ at Kensington Arts Theatre’s 2nd Stage

Kensington Arts Theatre 2nd Stage’s Into the Woods, Jr. is a delightful romp through the forest. Perfect for a fall afternoon or evening with your...

Review: ‘Drumming with Dishes’ at Arts on the Horizon

My three-year old son and I sat with about forty restless children and their haggard parents in a crowded playroom while we waited for...

Review: ‘How I Became a Pirate’ at Adventure Theatre MTC

A few days ago, you might have heard more than your fair share of “scallywags" and “lily-livered land lubbers" if an acquaintance or loved...

Review: ‘The Legend of Pufferfish Pat’ at InterAct Story Theatre

Pufferfish Pat is hardly your run of the mill Cowboy name. In fact, it’s so unusual that the cowboy it identifies gets “madder than...

Review: ‘Aesop’s Fables’ at Quintessence Theatre Group

All of the characters in Lee Cortopassi’s colorful cartoon-like adaptation of Aesop’s Fables sparkle, and speak, just like the original ones drawn up way...

Review: ‘Gruff!’ at the McGinn/Cazale Theatre

Part of the first Summer Family Theater Festival at the McGinn/Cazale Theatre, Gruff!, a co-presentation by Vital Theatre Company and Doppelskope, is everything that...