‘The Daily Dish’: Now Serving Mykl Wu by Jenny Splitter

The Daily Dish: Now Serving Mykl Wu

 Today the cast of The Dish welcomes Mykl Wu

Mykl Wu.
Mykl Wu.

Wu is an American cook, photographer and writer with a specialty in food, restaurants, travel and social media. Bethesda Magazine listed him as “Five Photogs to Follow” on Instagram.

You can follow him here – ChezWu and @ChezWu on Twitter. Born in Taipei, Taiwan, he is fluent in Mandarin Chinese. Wu came to America with his parents, Chinese film actors Chia-Chi Wu and Fang-Yu Niu, when he was 14 years old. If he were to be born again, he’d love to be reincarnated as the love child of David Chang and Sean Brock.

The cast of T'he Dish.'
The cast of T’he Dish.’

Today’s show is sold out but there are still tickets for the remaining performances, including Tuesday’s show with acclaimed food writer David Hagedorn. Grab tickets right here: Tickets for The Dish.


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